Garmen Konveksi Baju Seragam Semarang Indonesia


Learn How to Pattern & sew

Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.

Learn the difference: knit & Crochet

Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.

Learn to embroider and Cross stitch

Our lessons show, in detail, the entire process start to finish.

Thread, Yarn, Fabric & Needles

Get Started learning a new Skill

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  • Sewing 101: The basics all the way to a new wardrobe.
  • Knitting: With these skills you’ll be ready for the coldest of seasons, or the olympics.
  • Embroidery: Want to feel like a lady in waiting? We thought so. Enter, embroidery.
  • Crocheting: Repeat after me, crocheting is different than knitting.
  • Designing: Get ready for NY Fashion Week. Tim Gunn is about to knock on your door.
  • Pattern Making: Tedious, I know, but necessary and worth it.

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Perusahaan manufaktur pakaian di Semarang spesialis dalam pembuatan seragam berkualitas untuk berbagai kebutuhan, mulai dari seragam kerja, kantor, instansi pemerintah, hingga komunitas. Melayani pemesanan dan pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia bahkan mancanegara.